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Becoming Consciously Aware of the Source

Select what is most spiritually inspiring to you, meditate upon it and work with it until it hears fruitage.

THE ALCHEMY OF AWARENESS, by Lorraine Sinkler, Chapter 2

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‘The Kingdom of God is Within You.’

Questions are good for a meditation. You could take this question: ‘What is God?’

That’s not the easiest thing in the world, but you could toy with it. And sometimes when nothing comes to you, you can bring to mind that the Kingdom of God is within you, then you can just quietly, and to yourself, say the word ‘God,’ to keep your attention centered. And bit by bit, will unfold the nature of God, what It is, what It is to you, and the quality and the quantity of Its Being.

‘Open Out a Way for the Hidden Splendor to Escape.’

Are you going to that Center within, that It may reveal Its divine plan for you?

For there is a plan for each one. Every individualization of this Presence has a purpose, a unique purpose. Few are fulfilling that purpose, because few have ever stopped to discover what that purpose is. To discover your purpose on earth. Go within, in total surrender, in the attitude of: ‘nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done,’ as you open your heart and mind and soul and ask:

‘What is the Divine Plan for me? What is my purpose on this earth? Whatever it is I am to do, Father, reveal It. Of my own self I cannot know the purpose of my life. Of my own self, I can know nothing, But the Presence within me knows, the Divine Omniscience within me knows.

‘I am now Thy instrument, I am now a beholder of Thy Glory as It pours forth in me and through me to the world. I am emptying out the old wine of my wishes, and wants and desires. I am making myself an empty vessel for God to fill with the revelation of Its will and Its purpose for me. I am surrendering what I have thought was my life. I am resting quietly in confident expectancy, and I am listening Father, I am waiting for Thy Word. ‘Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth.’

‘I can of My Own Self Do Nothing.’
‘The Father that Dwelleth in me, He Doeth the Work.’

Let your day be governed by your surrender to God, and watch as It reveals Itself in the vacuum you have created with your surrender, and your watchful, listening receptivity.

‘Now is Come Salvation, and Strength,
and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of His Christ.’

As you work with these principles, in your meditation and practice, they will come more and more alive to you. They will no longer be mere words. You will attain the consciousness of them and that is what does the work. That is how the Word becomes flesh, and becomes your bread, your wine, and your water. It will feed you and clothe you, It will be bone of your bone, and the very substance of your life, as an instrument of God.